Journal of Academy of Pediatric Neurology

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Aims & Scope

Journal of Academy of Pediatric Neurology (JAOPN) is the official journal of the Association of Pediatric Neurology, India(AOPN, India). The journal publishes two issues in a year i.e., January-June and July-December. It is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes manuscripts pertaining to clinical and translational investigations of pediatric neurological diseases that will allow clinicians and neurologists to enrich their knowledge of patient management and education, and clinical or experimental research.The aim of the journal is to publish cutting-edge clinical research from around the world with more focus on the Indian subcontinent. JAOPN is directed at pediatricians, pediatric neurologists and all clinicians and academicians involved in children with neurological disorders. From this issue, IJPN has started the indexing process for the journal.


JAOPN tries to provide following information for use by clinicians, other health professionals, researchers, policymakers, librarians, and all who are interested in the field of child  neurology throughout the world:

  • Clinicians in the field have access to focused, comprehensive, and in-depth information in clinical practice.
  • Neurology students can acquire educational material from review articles written by experts.
  • Researchers can gain up-to-date important knowledge in the field of neurology.
  • Policymakers can reflect on the implications of health policies.
  • JAOPN also tries to keep the content useful for society by making them aware of advances made in the field of neurology.
Ownership and Management

Journal of Academy of Pediatric Neurology (JAOPN) is owned and managed under the auspices of Academy of Pediatric Neurology (APN), and Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd is the publisher.

About the Society

Academy of Pediatric Neurology (APN)

About the Publisher

Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd is committed to supporting health, medical and dental research communities across continents. Jaypee Journals, a division of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers is one of the largest medical publishers in the world and provides high-quality open-access journals that are trustworthy, authoritative, and accessible to researchers. We provide high-quality support at all stages of the publishing cycle so that we can help researchers publish their work. We are the partners of success for researchers through global standard publishing as well as open access.

Publication Frequency

Journal of Academy of Pediatric Neurology publishes bi-annually focussing on all aspects of pertaining to clinical and translational investigations of pediatric neurological diseases that will allow clinicians and neurologists to enrich their knowledge of patient management and education, and clinical or experimental research.

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Under Creative Commons the Authors retain ownership/ copyright of their content. The authors assign exclusive commercial re-use rights of the article to the Publisher. 

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Open access refers to the practice of making peer-reviewed scholarly research and literature freely available online to anyone interested in reading it at no cost and with limited restrictions with regards to reuse.  Open access publications are freely and permanently available online to anyone with an internet access. The journal allows unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium (which is non-commercial), provided the article is properly attributed. All the articles are published, without any technical, financial, gender limitations, in an agreed format on the journal website and deposited in archive and indexing databases as applicable to the journal. All articles are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), thereby making it fully citable and searchable by title, author name(s) and the full text.  

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Submitted Version

Submitted version (SV) or the preprint version is recognized as the author version of an article before submission to a journal for peer review. The author accepts full responsibility for the article, and the content and layout are set out by the author. 

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Accepted Manuscript

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Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

This Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors as per Committee on Publication Ethics, ICMJE & WAME. Please visit Policy page for more details. 

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